Villa Mondragone is located in the town of Monte Porzio Catone and dates back to the 16th century. Ideal location for weddings and sophisticated events, boasts incredible history and beauty. Apart from the architectural wonders it offers stunning sunsets on Rome and elegant Italian gardens. This is undoubtedly a perfect place for an event, a ceremony or a classic style wedding banquet.

History and elegance for sumptuous events

Linked to education and science, it was home to a Jesuit College that made it a School of Excellence. The connection with culture continues today. The structure was acquired by the University of Rome Tor Vergata, which has been able to enhance it, and has given it a new splendor.
This location for weddings is certainly one of the most impressive in Rome, highly recommended for evening events and receptions in the beautiful season. It is certainly one of the ideal scenery to organize a wedding in a villa with a sumptuous style.



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